Opening Of A New Door
I could hear a quiet voice inside calling to me. I could feel deep in my heart that there was more to my life than where I was at. I had my faith in God and the confidence of my afterlife but I began to question if I was living my true calling, my purpose for this life. I saw an ad about something new to me, float therapy! I just knew this was something I needed to get my mind, soul and heart on track. The session was 90 minutes long, the first 60 minutes was trying to slow down my mind and clear my thoughts. Finally in the last 30 minutes I was able to listen and receive what the quiet voice had been trying to whisper to me. It was an opening of a new door in my life, a new direction and a new path to follow. I was filled with excitement, anticipation and a renewed filling of the Spirit in my life. I was provided with images that would begin the next chapter of my life and would help to guide me as I moved forward with renewed purpose.
Diamond - this represented for me a loss of my identity, self worth and an inability to step into my spiritual destiny in this life. It also encouraged me to look at my struggles and hardships to see if the experiences could be used in a positive way.
Sapphire - this represented an opening of awareness and communication at a deeper spiritual level. For me to be able to centre my energy on fulfilling my dreams and desires and to also bring greater wisdom and truth into my life.
Lion - the appearance of the lion was powerful for me. I can overcome emotional difficulties and that I more powerful than I think I am. I have the internal power to make positive changes in my life.
Cheetah - the appearance of the cheetah showed me that I had been missing out on the true purpose of my life. I need to seek what that is and to be clear in my intention of this purpose and what I want to create. I was also shown that have a great capacity for empathy and know exactly how to respond to the hurt, pain and suffering of others.
Today I walk through the opening of a new door and will trust the journey.